William McCarthy

About William McCarthy

William McCarthy creates his landscape paintings from memory and imagination. Most of the scenes depicted are not based on any specific place but rather on the general feeling he has about a scene he viewed at some point in the past. His only reference is a sketchbook he carries with him at all times, in which he draws thumbnail images. The atmospheric quality is created through build-ups of color tonalities with layering of oil washes and medium glazes.

McCarthy has been painting for over 30 years with the last 15 years dedicated to landscapes. His influences early on were Michelangelo and Van Gogh, and more recently the turn of the century painter George Inness and Gustav Klimt. His work evokes a return to nature's simple comforts. They shine with radiant and mysterious calm. William McCarthy's paintings are images of the atmosphere as much as of trees and rivers and fields. They are powerful expressions of a coming-to-terms with the powers of nature itself. Their brushy, textured surfaces are as rough and real as the bark of a tree.